Sustainability Report 2023
Sustainability is key to how SDF works.
SDF presents the second edition of the Sustainability Report, which illustrates the results achieved in 2023 with regard to economic, environmental and social sustainability and describes the initiatives that involved the entire company organisation.
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The Materiality Analysis
The Materiality Analysis guides the selection of issues to be reported in the Sustainability Report, through the identification of current, potential and material impacts generated or that could be generated by the company itself on the economy, the environment and people, including impacts on human rights, through all of the company's activities and business relationships.

GRI Standards
In 2023, SDF reaffirmed its commitment to comprehensively document and communicate the environmental, economic and social impacts of its activities.
The Report was prepared in accordance with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards defined by the Global Reporting Initiative.
In line with the requirements of the GRI Standards 2021, the general principles adopted by SDF in this Sustainability Report include:
- Accuracy
- Balance
- Clarity
- Comparability
- Completeness
- Context of sustainability
- Timeliness
- Verifiability